Drywall is a very handy material. Affordable, and lightweight, drywall installation is quite easy if you are well-skilled and equipped with the right tools. Nonetheless, drywall has its own shortcomings. All drywalls are vulnerable to cracks, scratches, and dents. Also, they are vulnerable to water damage. To fix certain electrical issues, part of your drywall will be cut off for easy access to the faulty electrical wiring. Fortunately, repairing damaged drywall is an easy thing to do. Here are frequently asked questions about drywall installation and repair.
- Should you repair the drywall yourself or hire a professional to do it?
There are a couple of things to consider in this regard. An enthusiastic DIYer with the right tools and equipment can take on small drywall repairs. If otherwise, hiring a professional drywall contractor can save you time and money.
- What are the right tools for repairing drywall installation and repair?
Some of the essentials tools to get started with your drywall installation and repair service include
- Ladder
- Drill
- Drywall saw
- Electronic stud finder
- Sanding sponge
- Hand sander
- Inside corner knife
- Utility knife
- Hammer
- Flexible knives
- Screwdriver
- Tape measure
- Drywall tape
- Drywall nails
- Hacksaw
- Pry bar
You can find complete drywall repair kits on the market. With this repair kit, you can undertake any drywall repair task.
- Should I repair or replace the damaged drywall?
The answer to this question isn’t straightforward. It depends on the extent of damage and the individual’s choice. Minor damage such as nail pops or cracks can be easily fixed by a handy property owner. But if you are dealing with a complex situation like a large hole or mold growth where the spores are evident all over the drywall, it is advisable to consider replacing it. Do not opt for new drywall installation without fixing the root cause of the problem. Get rid of mold growth in the home. Otherwise, be prepared to replace your drywall once again.
- Can I recycle damaged drywall?
Yes, damaged drywall is recyclable. You may need to do a bit of research to find a recyclable station near you that accepts drywall. If your drywall is already infested by mold, recycling is not an option. It should be disposed of with care and caution. When dealing with mold, it is advisable to take every precautionary step. Protect yourself. Use a respirator, eye goggles, and disposable gloves. It should be disposed of in a properly sealed bag.
- How much does professional drywall repair cost?
When you decide to hire a professional for a drywall restoration job, drywall installation costs are fairly inexpensive with an average of $2 per square foot. Replacing damaged drywall costs around the same amount, excluding the removal of damaged materials.
Drywall repair cost, on the other hand, depends on how badly damaged the drywall is. Other factors that will determine repair cost include the number of hours and resources required.
Rest assured that by hiring a professional for drywall installation, your drywall will be restored to its original state in no time.